

Current Name: Sidney
Other Names, if any: - none
Age (in moons): around 21
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: poly 
Creation Date: June 17

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Rouge

Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: - None
Rank: Rouge
Mentor(s): - none
Apprentice(s): - (N/A)

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): - Unknown
Mother (s): - Lulu
Sibling(s): - Dagger and Remi @Shadeleaf
Offspring: - none

Best Friend(s): bubbles @cloudii
Friend(s): - 
Neutral: - Dawn @touka
Acquaintance(s): -
Enemies: -
Role models:

Crush: - 
Significant Other: -


Overview: Whoel personality is basically grumpy Australian 
Traits: gRuMpY

Mental Age: 34
Psychiatric Complications: - 
Phobias: Deep water

Sociability: absolutely none do not speak to meh plz
Outlook: pessimistic 
Responsibility: 7/10
Cleanliness: 8/10
Generosity: 6/10
Manners: 5/10
Bravery: 9/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: logical 

Favorite Season: leaf-bare
Favorite Food(s): Pigeon and squirrel 
Favorite Word(s): Just grunts. Ligit grunt sounds
Favorite Sound: echo's in his cave and the sound of leaves

Greatest Hope: To one day learn how to love someone who loves him too
Greatest Strength: ability to isolate a situation to solve the problem 
Greatest Weakness: his lack of general socialization and humainity
Worst Nightmare: To lose his home
Deepest Darkest Secret: - He wants to learn to love someone
Most Treasured Memory: he has none

Quirk(s): besides the obvious he has a weird inner working that is hard to understand 
Theme Song(s):


Place of Birth: Unknown
Date of Birth: unknown
Former rank(s): None
Beliefs: Death

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): White
Fur Texture: softish and smooth
Fur Length: short
Markings: couple scars on his face and one on his shoulder. 
Eye Color: a dull blue

Body Type/Structure: muscular
Height: tall but not too too tall
Weight: average considering his build
Voice: deep and Australian, it always sounds as if he just woke up from a 100 year nap. 
Gait: slow and steady, he doesn't like to rush
Scent: Earth and heather

Scars / Deformities: - Scars and torn ears
Diseases / Conditions: - None

Coordination: 9/10
Reflexes: 8/10
Strength: 10/10

Weird thing about him: he wants love but regrets it