
Smol energetic puffball mom of RiverClan 

Current Name: Foxblaze
Other Names, if any: Foxkit, Foxpaw
Age (in moons): 34 moons resurrected (78 moons when she died)
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: closeted lesbian 
Creation Date: I totally forgot

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: RiverClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: none
Rank: Queen
Mentor(s): Sootflare @wnder (former)
Apprentice(s): - (N/A)

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): - Unknown
Mother (s): -Unknown
Sibling(s): - None
Offspring: - Twigpaw ( @gs29513 ), Chivepaw ( @Jackpot ), Snakeheart ( @Rani ), Vixenkit ( @The Shadow Flower ), Conchkit ( @Puddle~ ), Fernkit ( @~RooRoo~ ), Honeykit ( @mumble ), Cloudedkit ( @Papaya ), Fidgetkit ( @teddy. )

Best Friend(s): Dogflame (@Lynxpaw)
Friend(s): - Sootflare ( @wnder )
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): -

Crush: - 
Significant Other: - Greyclaw ( @gs29513, former)


Overview: she truly has all the love in the world to give. She wants the best for every person she meets and genuinely wants nothing more than for her world and everyone else's to be perfect. She absolutely adores her family and stands firm in her beliefs. Her heart swells at the mention of others being happy and she often neglects her own happiness. 
Traits: joyful, snarky, spunky, bouncy, brave, humble 

Mental Age: 29 moons

Psychiatric Complications: -

Sociability: She just sorta vibes.
Outlook: optimistic
Responsibility: 10/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Generosity: 9/10
Manners: 6/10
Bravery: 10/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: more emotional

Favorite Season: greenleaf 
Favorite Food(s): Fish
Favorite Word(s): "Snakeheart" "Chivepaw" "lovely"
Favorite Sound: her children's laughter

Greatest Hope: to always be there for her kits
Greatest Strength: determined 
Greatest Weakness: She gets kinda sappy and can't function 
Greatest nightmare: to lose her kits
Deepest Darkest Secret: - Greyclaw fathered her first litter. She has no idea who the father of her second litter is.
Most Treasured Memory: being found by Sootflare the blood warrior, having her kits and meeting them for the first time. Having more kits
Theme Song(s):


Place of Birth: unknown
Date of Birth: unknown
Former rank(s): Kit, apprentice, queen
Beliefs: StarClan, Dark forest

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): Fox coloration 
Fur Texture: kind of soft and smooth
Fur Length: between medium and short
Eye Color:green

Body Type/Structure: very toned 
Height: short

Weight: average considering her build
Voice: light and airy but full of energy. 
Gait: she's almost always running to keep up
Scent: Flowers

Scars / Deformities: - 
Diseases / Conditions: - (formerly had dementia)

Coordination: 10/10
Reflexes: 10/10
Strength: 6/10

Weird thing about her: